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Mission and Approach

Inclusive Excellence and Diversity Education (IEDE) is committed to supporting the broader mission of the University of Kentucky’s strategic plan and the Office for Institutional Diversity (OID). IEDE serves the University as a centralized educational unit for expanding community of belonging initiatives. Our work is rooted in an organized effort to create a campus community invested in exposing, challenging and minimizing the effects of interpersonal and institutionalized discrimination. 

We organize our work around three key pillars: language, history, and practice.

arrows connecting three pillars of inclusive excellence

Unconscious Bias Initiative

Building on the core pillars of language, history, and practice, the Unconscious Bias (UB) Initiative is a tiered training series for faculty and staff that provides an elaborated context around the systemic and interconnected roots of bias.

Learn More and Register


Want to be one of the first to know about new offerings and training schedules? Be sure to sign up for our quarterly newsletter! Or, you can visit our archive to read past issues. 

IEDE Resources and Recommendations

IEDE has a curated list of supplemental resources and recommendations for those who are interested in continuing conversation and learning outside of a workshop or training. 

Campus Resources

There are numerous community of belonging-related resources and support services available to the UK community.